October 28, 2024 P.S. 52 Family Weekly Newsletter
P.S. 52 Family Weekly Newsletter - Week of October 28, 2024
Upcoming Events
Week of October 28, 2024
Monday - October 28, 2024 |
Tuesday - October 29, 2024
Wednesday - October 30, 2024
Thursday - October 31, 2024
Friday - November 1, 2024
On the Horizon
NYC Public Schools are Closed Friday, November 1, 2024 in Observance of Diwali
3-5 Prepare Your Pumpkin for Success
Thank You Parents
Thank you to all the parents and guardians who came out to our Prepare Your Pumpkin for Success Grades 3-5 Event.
Click the link below for more pictures.
Town Hall Safety Meeting - Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 8:45 am.
Please joins us for our Town Hall Safety Meeting on Tuesday, October 29th at 8:45 am in the cafeteria.
•Safety Presentation
• Simulated Evacuation Drill
Story Character Day -
Dress as your favorite storybook character and bring the book to share with your class on October 31, 2025.
Pre-k to 2nd grade Character parade at 1:30pm - Parents invited.
The following costumes are prohibited: Clowns, Monsters, Ninja, Any costume with a sword or weapon
Message from New NYC Public Schools Chancellor - Melissa Aviles-Ramos
Dear Families,
I am honored and excited to be your new Chancellor. As a lifelong educator and mom of a New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) student, I am eager to work with and serve you.
When I was a child growing up in the Bronx, my mother taught me that education was the ticket to a life of prosperity and fulfillment. I decided to become a teacher in 2007 because I, like my mother, believe in the power of education to change lives.
I began my career in the classroom at Harry S. Truman High School and went on to become an administrator at both the school and district levels. As chief of staff to former Chancellor Banks, I spearheaded Project Open Arms, a multi-agency effort to welcome and support our 45,000-plus newest New Yorkers. In my most recent role, I served as the Deputy Chancellor of Family and Community Engagement and External Affairs, fostering partnerships between families, schools, and communities.
I know this school system inside and out—and with each passing year, I grow even more amazed at the talent of our staff, the innovation in our classrooms, the dedication of our families and parent leaders, and the brilliance of our students. To become the next Chancellor is the culmination of my life’s work.
I want to thank Mayor Adams for this opportunity and Chancellor Banks for his immense contributions to our school system. The initiatives we’ve launched—from NYC Reads to our reimagined Student Pathways—have been truly transformative, and I am eager to continue these programs. Please know that I am committed to stability and consistency in the day-to-day operation of our schools.
As an NYCPS parent myself, I will work my hardest to ensure our schools are safe and welcoming spaces for our children, that they set a high academic bar, and that they provide rich opportunities for learning and growth. I commit to advocating for each of our children just as I would for my own daughter. And I commit to listening to the wisdom of our families and ensuring we are doing our part as an agency to communicate clearly and often.
I’m excited to continue building bright starts and bold futures for the children of our city, and I look forward to all that we will achieve together. Thank you for choosing New York City Public Schools for your children.
In partnership,
Melissa Aviles-Ramos, Chancellor
Immigrant Family Empowerment Guide
The Immigrant Family Empowerment- Your Advocacy Guide is a resource guide for immigrant and multilingual families in NYC Public Schools to learn about what it means to place yourself as an active member and leader of your child's academic journey. In this guide, you will have access to knowledge about your rights as immigrant families, different ways to get involved in your child's school, and how to lead for the purpose of change in your school community. This guide aims to affirm all members of a school community as active participants in their own learning and capable of developing the skills to analyze and transform their social realities.
Arabic | Bengali | Chinese | English | French | Haitian Creole | Korean | Russian | Spanish | Urdu | Wolof | Uzbek Cyrillic | Punjabi
The complete resource can be found here.
P.S. 52 Cares Food Pantry
🥫🍎🥕 The PS 52 Cares Food Pantry will be open today for those in need of free food.
Here is the pantry schedule:
Monday-Friday from 3:00-4:30pm . 🛒🛒
Thursdays from 8:45am-10:00am 🛒🛒
No sign up needed!
After-School All-Stars
After-School All-Stars After-school Program
The After-School All-Stars program is open to students in grades K-5. Program if offered Monday - Friday from 2:30pm - 5:15 pm
Registration happening NOW!
Please register online to start the registration process
Students complete TWO registrations and receive confirmation from After-School All-Stars Team before they may begin.
Please be advised that if your child is a bus student, there is no bus services available following after-school. If your child is in the after-school program they must be picked up from school.
For more information, please feel free contact the ASAS Family Phone numbers:
Office: 718-528-2238 ext. 3521
Cell Phone (Text): 929-462-9440